May 15, 2010

Amirul Aiman,

Amirul Aiman, I hope you'll rest in peace there. Eventhough we're not so close, but I know that you're one of Danial's bestie. You're one of the important person in Danial's life. Semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmatNya.

Lastnight, me, mama and Oya went to Arwah's and sumpah like hell ramai gila sebab Arwah ni friendly. Baca Yaasin and tahlil semua, Bibah, K Beby, All of K Mina's bestie(s), and kawan kawan Arwah. K Yaya (Arwah's gf) pun ada juga, pity her. Be strong yeah kak?

Actually, Arwah time malam tu pergi lepak then around 2pagi kot, time nak balik dengan Alfiq dalam kereta. Entah macam mana ntah, nak elak kereta laju tiba tiba dtg, and sebelum tu Arwah ada cakap dekat Alfiq, 'wehh, aku tak nampak apa dah ni' hm, entah lah. byk cerita I dengar, I tak tahu yg mana satu betul. But, biarlah yang dah pergi tu pergi.

Be strong, to Arwah's family, Danial, K yaya and his friends.

*Takziah to Arwah's family*

May 14, 2010


Tadi time papa and mama ambil dekat hostel, muka happy je. Masuk je kerete mama cakap, 'akak mesti terkejut dengan apa yang mama nak cakap ni'. I was like, 'cakap jela kenapa?' then mama said, 'Aiman, adik kak Mina dah tak ada.' I waslike gila babi terkejut and i cried, 'Innalillahi wainnailaihi raji'un. Mcm manaa boleh jadi mcm tu?' and i cried. And mama cakap 'accident, kereta' and i was like diam je. Mama and Papa pun bawa i makan dekat secret recipe, i pun okay lah sikit. Balik tu I call kak Mina and dia kata everythg's fine but hati org kita tak tahu right? plus her brother yang kecil sekali tu, sometimes nangis when tringatkan Arwah Aiman. I was like kesian gila, Arwah Aiman baru 17 oh -,- malam ni pergi rumah Arwah, ada kenduri tahlil.

-Al Fatihah :'(

May 8, 2010


Oh well, GOOD NEWS(!)

Mama suruh Papa buat surat untuk every week I balik, HAHAHAHA.
Best je oh, baik takyah stay asrama en?
Well semalam baru balik and today maybe just chill dgn mama kot.
Papa takda, abang gerak Kl. Oya pergi camp, hee
But i nak gerak Kl dohh, jumpa member semua.
Haih -_______-"

May 2, 2010

I don't want to go back to hostel, paaa. Please? :'( I hate staying there. Far from my family and friends. I've a LOT of problems there. Only God know how depressed am I staying there. Erghhh -,- Well guys. Another 2 weeks, I'll be back.

Alien ; Take a good care of yourself please? I love you ;)

Lots of ♥♥,

May 1, 2010

Well, here goes..

Over these past few days, I always let tears coming out from my eyes, rolling down my cheek and hit the ground. I just don't know why. From late night till the Sun start to rise. I felt empty, I felt lost. I'm trying to figure out whats my problem but I just don't seem to know it. But now, I have you. You're mine. I love you the way you are, eventhough you're not perfect but nobody's perfect right? Yeah, you always make me laugh eventhough sometimes you quite annoyed me. But you lighten up my gloomy day with your laughter and giggles. I hope you won't leave me and accept me the way I am. And please love me with all your heart as deep as my love towards you :')

Thanks, I Love You <3